An ode to donuts

The delight of donuts!
Sticky pops of color, gooey drizzles of flavor, all on a deep fried ring. It's the epitome of Saturday morning joy at the beach house. When the house is full of kids, there's a chorus of 'Donuts! Donuts! When are we getting donuts?!' and it's almost a cruel game to tease them about waiting... waiting until after real breakfast, waiting until after the grownups drink at least two cups of coffee, waiting until after the quick trip to the hardwre store. 
This week, the house is kid-free, and I was the impatient youth this morning on the phone by 9am ordering this beautiful dozen. I'm not much for the candy store, but I was a kid in a donut shop, selecting blueberry glaze with lemon drizzle, then a maple with bacon, a strawberry with rainbow sprinkles, a double chocolate, and so on and so forth. 
Behold this beautiful dozen! 
I decided to cut them in half, optimizing the sample size for the five of us here. I just indulged in a marshmellow drizzle with oreo crumbles, and eying the cinnamon sugar.  I am now in a sugar coma, rethinking my plans to run. 



  1. Oh my - it has been AGES since I've had a donut! Those look amazing. What a fun ritual - beach donuts! Enjoy!

  2. A sweet post - a fitting ode to donuts. I could taste the anticipation.

  3. Mmmm....these look like Duck Donuts. Enjoy them and thanks for the lunchtime "breakfast" inspiration. I'm off to get myself some donuts.

  4. I was thinking about picking up donuts this morning and chose instead to get a few household chores done before heading off to work. I'm thinking I should have grabbed a donut for extra sustenance this morning!

  5. I'll have the double chocolate, please! I'm really not a donut nut, but I never say no to chocolate.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You said donuts and I have to come read! I LOOOOOOOVE donuts! As does my whole family, especially my daughter. We often talk about the ultimate bliss would be a Neverending donut that doesn't hurt your stomach or make you unhealthy, lol.
    This one of yours is my favorite: marshmellow drizzle with oreo crumbles. Yum!!

  8. I have to confess. I don't like donuts, even do I wish I do. I saw the pleasure on the donuts eater faces and I feel like I'm really missing something....

  9. Those are gorgeous donuts! Glad we had some this morning, too, or I’m pretty sure I’d be hunting for some right now!


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