Good omens

 The moon greeted me as I left my house this morning. The early, dark sky illuminated by a giant silver snow face. 

Juggling bags and coffee, keys and phone, that moon kept my gaze as I got into my car, and continued to hold it the whole drive to school. 

The first day back and this full, bright, hopeful, optimistic moon was an omen for good things to come. 

The sun saw he had some competition, so he rose to greet the moon’s beauty, matching her silver show with his rosy one. 

Ahead of me, my moon. Behind me, the sun. Both set the tone for a first day back in person that was cheerful







  1. Those are five beautiful words to describe the first day back to in-person teaching: warm, comfortable, sweet, connected, smooth. What more could you possibly ask for? Oh, maybe the moon ahead and the sun behind! So happy for you!


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